Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior where one person in a relationship tries to gain power and control over his or her partner through fear and intimidation. This can take the form of threatening or actually using physical violence, or the abuse can be emotional, economic, or sexual.
Domestic violence happens to men and women in all racial, economic, and religious groups. The majority of victims are women, but male victims make up a small percentage of abuse cases. Children in homes where spouse abuse occurs are also at risk, both of being abused themselves and for having such problems as anxiety, depression, poor health, low self-esteem, drug abuse, and suicidal behavior.
Domestic violence can flare up with little or no warning and from a spouse who is a loving partner in many ways. The abuse may start as verbal or psycological, then escalate to physical assault. Therefore, the best time to take preventative steps, such as seeking counseling, is at the first sign of abuse. In order to prevent future abuse, both partners must be committed to making a nonviolent relationship work.
Violence Against Women Prosecution
We recognize that crimes against women are a serious problem in our community. The VAWA Case Manager Grant Program endeavors to ensure that all Anderson County women who are abused, sexually assaulted, stalked, or targeted as victims of crime because of their gender are effectively represented in the court system so that further violence is prevented, offenders are punished, and justice for these women is obtained.
If you need assistance please call:
- VAWA Case Manager Aneshia Bridges: Anderson County District Attorney’s Office (903)-723-7400
- Anderson/Cherokee County Crisis Center (903)-723-5858 or 1-800-232-8519
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224